The Many Health Benefits of Adding Greek Yogurt to Your Diet

Greek yogurt has become incredibly popular in recent years, and for good reason. This thick, creamy yogurt offers an array of health benefits that can improve your digestion, immunity, weight management, workout recovery, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 science-backed reasons why you should consider adding Greek yogurt to your daily diet. If you not sure what the different? To choose Greek Yogurt or Regular Yogurt, check out my previous post.

Greek Yogurt Contains More Protein Than Regular Yogurt

What makes Greek yogurt different from the regular kind? It’s true that both types are rich in probiotics, calcium, vitamins and minerals. However, Greek yogurt is strained to remove most of the whey, which results in a thicker, creamier yogurt with twice the protein content.

It fills you up and keeps you full for longer. According to Catherine Brooking, MS, RD, Greek yogurt is a great portable protein and it can also help you curb hunger. What’s more is that Greek yogurt may also help fight belly fat, according to a recent study presented at the Annual Society for Endocrinology conference.

Researchers found that when protein is digested and broken down, one of the resulting amino acids (phenylalanine) reduces appetite hormones, which can lead to weight loss. On average, protein will keep you full for longer periods of time. Depending on the yogurt’s fat content, the combination of protein and fat can keep you satiated for several hours.

Because Greek yogurt also has a lower sugar content, it can greatly help in keeping your blood sugar levels stable so you don’t have to deal with a crash and cravings after eating it. A 3/4 cup serving of low-fat Greek yogurt contains around 17 grams of protein compared to a normal low-fat yogurt which only contains around 8 grams per 3/4 cup.

The same serving of Greek yogurt provides even more protein than two large eggs, which only have 10 grams. Greek yogurt is also an incredibly affordable protein source, especially compared to seafood or lean meats like chicken or turkey. This means you can get more nutritional bang for your buck at every meal.

Greek Yogurt Is Loaded With Vitamins and Minerals

Calcium is not the only important nutrient you can get from Greek yogurt. It also contains vitamin B12, which maintains red blood cells and helps keep your nervous system functioning properly. It also has several other vitamins and minerals including phosphorus, zinc, iodine, potassium and riboflavin, which offer a ton of important benefits like lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity, and improving thyroid function.

What makes Greek yogurt better is its thicker, creamier texture. Because the liquid whey is strained out, Greek yogurt also contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose.

Greek Yogurt Contains a Ton of Probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that keep your gut operating at its optimal level. Not only is this good news for your digestion, but having a healthy gut will also result in better sleep, a well-running immune system, improved mood, and even clearer skin.

Eating Greek yogurt on a regular basis can provide your gut with a healthy influx of probiotic bacteria, as Greek yogurt can contain live active cultures. However, you have to make sure that you eat Greek yogurt from manufacturers that use milk from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows to ensure you’re eating a quality product.

Since Greek yogurt contains less sugar, it also contains less lactose, making it easier to digest, although it is not considered lactose-free. If you can tolerate small amounts, this is a great supplement to dairy products.

Greek Yogurt Makes Your Bones Stronger

In general, dairy products, especially Greek yogurts, are considered an excellent source of easily absorbable calcium. Greek yogurt contains about 19% of your daily calcium requirement, according to Ph.D., MS, director of bone density testing at New York’s Helen Hayes Hospital.

Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and the micronutrients of greatest importance are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium has been shown to have beneficial effects on bone mass in people of all ages, although the results are not always consistent.

The combination of calcium and vitamin D has a clear skeletal benefit, provided the dose of vitamin D is sufficiently high. Currently, 400 IU per day is considered an adequate intake of vitamin D for people ages 51-70, but more may be better. This amount is likely sufficient for most young adults for skeletal health, although many would argue that for overall health, more than 400 IU may be required even at younger ages.

It Can Help Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

According to one 2017 study published in the Journal of Nutrition, eating Greek yogurt may help ward off type 2 diabetes thanks to its probiotic content. One important warning: you have to make sure the yogurt you’re consuming is free of added sugars like cane juice, high fructose corn syrup or fruit with added sugar. The natural sugars found in lactose should only account for a few grams.

It Helps Boost Your Immune System

A happy tummy is key to a happy life, right? Well, send in the good bacteria probiotics troops, because they’ve got infections to fight off and weight to lose! Greek yogurt contains high levels of healthy bacteria that your GI tract uses to fight off disease-causing pathogens, absorb nutrients, and keep your body strong.

The most common probiotics are Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacteria bifidum. The gastrointestinal tract or GI begins with the mouth and ends in your large intestine, which covers a lot of ground. It is your first line of defense against infection and staying healthy.

So you can see why it’s important to supplement your lifestyle with probiotics. The claim is right: a happy tummy means a healthy and happy life.

It Can Aid in Healing Stomach Ulcers

H. pylori bacteria is responsible for nearly 90% of all stomach ulcers. While it is typically treated with antibiotics and acid suppressants, regularly consuming Greek yogurt introduces the healing properties of healthy bacteria as a natural and less expensive way of slowing the growth and development of H. pylori in the body.

While Greek yogurt isn’t a cure-all for these issues, it is useful in helping prevent or subside the adverse effects of antibiotics, modulating the immune response, providing gastroprotection, and promoting general health.

Greek Yogurt Helps Reduce Inflammation

Most people find that dairy is positively correlated with inflammatory responses or processes. However, that’s not the case with Greek yogurt. Research has proven that Greek yogurt containing probiotic strains of Lactobacillus actually promotes the formation of a desirable anti-inflammatory environment in the blood system.

The effects of probiotics may be a consequence of the body working against potentially pathogenic or pro-inflammatory endogenous microbiota in the digestive system. As mentioned before, a healthy tummy means a healthy body in a lot more ways than one.

It Supports Workout Recovery

Thanks to its high protein content, Greek yogurt can help with muscle recovery after working out. After all, the amino acids in protein are the building blocks necessary for repairing muscle tears and aiding in the production of new muscle cells.

Having some Greek yogurt either in a smoothie or on its own after exercising can be a great way to help your body recuperate.

Greek Yogurt May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Eating Greek yogurt can also help with cholesterol management. Here’s the thing about cholesterol: too much of it is bad. Your body thrives on a healthy amount of cholesterol, which is a waxy substance in our blood that your body needs to develop healthy cells.

But when the body retains high amounts of cholesterol, it skyrockets your risk of heart disease. This is because fatty deposits begin to develop in the blood vessels. These deposits clog the arteries and make it difficult to have free flowing blood.

A study linked yogurt consumption to healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The active cultures present in yogurt tend to absorb cholesterol. This helps decrease cholesterol levels in the body. So if you are worried about high fat or cholesterol, try adding yogurt to your daily diet.


Greek yogurt offers an array of science-backed health benefits, from nourishing your gut flora to building strong bones, aiding workout recovery, and more. Its high protein content keeps you fuller longer, and it contains probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that support whole body health.

Consider adding Greek yogurt into your daily routine to take advantage of its many perks. Just be sure to choose brands made with milk from grass-fed cows and minimal added sugars. Let us know in the comments if you are a Greek yogurt fan!



